Leadership · Motivation

The True Definition of Success

What is success to you? Are they the assets you have today the iPad, houses, cars the list is endless. In African context being successful is being able to go to school get a degree and go work for someone, buy a house, get marry or get married, have cars. This is not a bad way to define success because it gives a clear picture of how a person’s life is progressing. But how many people have really struggled in debt because of trying to acquire these assets to prove to the world they are successful the list is endless.

The Real Definition

Success has now been characterized by what you have in the physical being but not by the assets that are within you. These assets include our talents and our minds. Reality has defined us to be asset oriented and not intellectually oriented. We invest in assets but we forget our biggest assets. True success is defined by investing in the mind. If you invest in the mind it’s much easier to acquire the physical assets because you have the rightful amount of knowledge to make your investments wisely. There are things such as financial intelligence; leadership and motivational ability that you need to invest into.

Success is measured by how many people you have impacted and have made a difference in people’s lives – Rabison Shumba

True success comes when you have made a difference in people’s lives. What are you doing today to make an impact in people’s lives? Today’s world has understood this that why they are so many organizations that are working on people development and equipping people with skills that will benefit them in future. Are you a leader in a particular area do your followers respect you or not. Choose to impact that world today with what you have. Impact others with what you have. The greatest leaders in history never really made it because they made an impact I people’s live we talk of Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr these people are successful because of how they made impact in people. Choose to be that. On your death bed what will people say about you, will they talk about the houses and cars or they will talk about what you did for them that one day.

Committed to Your Success


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