Business · Leadership · Motivation

The Value Of The Questions We Ask

The type of questions we ask ourselves will always determine the type of answers we get.

Victimized questions usually give you victimized answers. For example you ask yourself, Why is this happening to me? The possible answers you will get is because you are a fool, or you are weak.

The quality of the questions we ask ourselves determine the quality of the answers we get.

Instead of asking ourselves victimized questions let’s ask ourselves empowering questions. For example in this pandemic we are in questions such as, how can I make money? How can l take advantage of this quarantine time? What can l learn from this situation am in?

Empowering questions inspire empowering answers. Sometime back I was reading a book by Dr John C Maxwell and in this book he has what he terms the thinking that unlocks doors. He shares the words we can use to ask ourselves empowering questions.

  1. The word WHY unlocks the assumption door.
  2. The word WHEN unlocks the time door
  3. The word HOW unlocks the problem door.
  4. The word WHERE unlocks destination door.
  5. The word WHO unlocks the personal door.

The only way to change the answers you get is by changing the questions you ask.

Unleashing Your Potential Within

Coach Tendai Mungate can be

©️Coach Mungate Inspirations (CMI)


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