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Persist Until You Win

Persistent people never take no for an answer when it comes to their vision. – Dr Myles Munroe

Your dream, vision or goal will require you to persist.

The Tea Bag Philosophy

People who are successful are like tea bags. When they get in hot water, they make tea. This philosophy is similar to the saying that says, When life throws lemons at you make lemonade.

I came across these thoughts on persistence that l thought I should share with you today,

Persistence means that:

1. You insist on what you are going after. – No matter what you do not give up. The fact is if you stop, NO ONE WILL COME AND PURSUE YOUR DREAM FOR YOU.

2. You stand up against resistance until you wear it down.

3. You make people who are against you so tired of fighting that they either become your friends or they leave you alone.

4. You stop after you have finished. – It’s never over untill you win.

Your destiny requires your persistence.Your destiny requires your diligence. – Dr Myles Munroe.

Do not give up because of minor setbacks.
Your minor setbacks might just be a huge setup for some major come backs. So do not give up but persist.

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