
Like Attracts Like

You cannot expect to build a positive life by sowing negative seeds. – Tendai Mungate

Life is a result of what you see in the mind. What you see in your mind is what will manifest in the physical. The choice is yours to day either to see and invest in the right thoughts.

Do not be a victim of negative thoughts all your life. The time to change your mindset is today. Change what you want to achieve. What the mind can conceive it can achieve. Jack Canfield used the power of the mind to attract what he wanted in his life. He took a one dollar note and added six zeros to it and he attached the note to his ceiling. Each day he woke up he would see the note. His aim was to have a paycheck of a million dollars and he managed to achieve that thought. What are your thoughts? Are you attracting bad people in your life? Bad relationships? It is because of what you thought or have seen in the mind.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Sow a thought reap an action, sow an action reap a habit, sow a habit reap a character, sow a character reap a destiny.”

Success and failure are a result of what we see in the mind.
Sow and invest in the right thoughts today!


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